Are You Worried About Sending "Too Many Emails"?

email marketing Jan 25, 2021

We were at our local Japanese restaurant for lunch. 

I started telling my boyfriend about a response I received to an email but he cut me off.  

"Oh, I know. I got it."  

Shoot. I remembered that I'd put him on my email list when I was doing some tests.  

My mind went to a place of panic. I probably looked something like this.

Had I shared any inappropriate stories about my boyfriend with my email list lately? (I'm kind of gossipy so that was a pretty likely scenario.)  

Did he not like my emails? His tone of voice didn't sound like he liked my emails.


So I said, "Um, do you read my emails?"  

His response - "You send too many. And they don't sound like you."  

At this point I really regretted initiating this conversation.  But then I told him I'd made $1400 by sending two emails to my list.  

That got his attention.

He was like, "How does that work?"  

How does that work? 🤔  

To be honest, sending an email and receiving money back sounds like voodoo to me as well. I mean, I'm pretty clueless about how the internet works.  

But it does its thing and I do mine.  

Here's my thing.

I tell stories.  

I trust that my ideal client would get tremendous value working with me.  

I trust that I would get tremendous value out of working with them.  

I make offers.  

Sometimes they land and sometimes they don't.  

But I keep going. Because I know that I'm not going to help anyone by hiding.  


Here's what happened to me this week.

I had been receiving marketing emails from a guy called Jake for a while, and I don't think I'd opened any of them. I think I signed up for his emails from a Facebook ad. 

Anyway this week one of the subject lines caught my attention. I opened one of his emails, then another, and I was like, "Damn, these are good."

So I clicked on a link in one of the emails which took me to his sales page.

And it was one of the best written sales pages I'd ever seen with an amazing no-brainer offer so I signed up for his marketing membership, then one of his courses.

That's a purchase of $530 from a guy that I'd been ignoring in my inbox for weeks. 

What if Jake had just sent a few emails then given up?

He wouldn't have the $530 to invest into his business and his family and I wouldn't be in his membership program and course (which I am LOVING).

When people talk about email marketing, fear tends to come up.  

It sounds something like this:   "I'm afraid to email my list because I don't want to seem spammy or salesy, or for people to feel like I send too many emails."  

Sure, we all receive a lot of emails, but there are also emails I really look forward to receiving. 

I actually think the problem isn't that we receive too many emails, but we receive so many bad emails.

What do I mean by bad emails?

I mean emails that fail to establish a connection or communicate value.

Emails that advertise 80% off something are only going to work on me if I want the product in the first place. Otherwise I'm likely to see it as junk that I mistakenly signed up for.

But I also look out for the good emails in my inbox.

Either they're selling exactly what I want. Or they're written so well I don't want to miss a single one from that person.  

If you're not making the sales you want in your business via email marketing, please consider the following questions:  

Could you send better emails?

What could you learn from the emails you love to receive?  

What does your potential client need to hear from you so that they make the investment they need to take the next step in their life or business?  

When people sign up to hear from us, there's a good chance we can help them solve a massive problem in their lives.

So how can you make sure your emails are good? 

1. Write like you talk. This means using your natural voice and not sounding like a robot or a salesperson.

2. Focus on providing value. Your goal should be to help, educate, or entertain your readers, not to sell them something every time you hit send.

3. Be personal. Share your own stories, experiences, and thoughts in your emails to create a connection with your readers.

4. Keep it short. People are busy and don't have time to read long emails - unless they're totally fascinating. Get to the point and make your value clear quickly.

5. Use a strong call to action. Tell your readers what you want them to do, whether it's click on a link, sign up for something, or buy a product. Make it easy for them to take the next step.

Email marketing can be an incredible tool to grow your business - if you do it right. By following these tips, you can start writing emails that will actually get read and that will help you achieve your goals.

x Jo
Your Quiz Queen and Storytelling Coach  


About me…

Hey, I’m Your Quiz Queen + Storytelling Coach, Jo Ellis.

I help entrepreneurs create fun and engaging quizzes to attract their dream clients.

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