How To Create An Online Quiz So That Your Business Sells Itself

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2020

Why should you create an online quiz?
Quizzes are a powerful marketing tool. Let’s see what some leading marketers have to say about them…

One of the reasons that quizzes are such a powerful marketing tool is because people absolutely love taking them. Quizzes have been popular forever - like decades and decades! If you’re a woman, chances are you’ve taken more than one or two Cosmopolitan quizzes in your time. And if you’re on Facebook, you’ve probably taken a few BuzzFeed quizzes, or at least seen them in your feed. Turns out people really want to know which Spice Girl they are, which Star Wars character they are or which Harry Potter house they’d fit into.

Another reason is because they're an amazing learning tool. Quizzes are interactive and fun, and people learn best when they are fully engaged and entertained. Would you rather participate in interactive learning, or read reams and reams of text or listen to a lecture?

People love sharing their results, so quizzes also have a huge potential to go viral. Combined with Pinterest, a search engine / social media platform that can get small businesses a ton of traffic for FREE, quizzes can form a vital part of your marketing strategy.

Want to create your own quiz? Download your step-by-step guide here.

Choose a quiz topic
The best advice I can give for choosing a quiz topic is to ask the question:

What does your audience need to know or believe in or order to buy your product or service?

For example, if you’re selling a solution to weight loss, your customers probably need to believe that it will work and know that they won’t be hungry all day or have to spend hours preparing food.

The second way to search for a quiz topic is to go to Pinterest and type in keywords related to your niche to find out what questions people are asking about it. For example, if you build tiny houses, you could type “tiny house how to” in the search bar. You will get a good idea of the content people are looking for by the results. (How to design your tiny house, how to plan your tiny house, how to build a tiny house on a budget etc.)

Choose the quiz type
There are three main types of quizzes.

1. Personality or Type
These range from the scientific or pseudoscientific personality types like the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator to the totally frivolous, e.g. What Disney character are you? These types of quizzes perform super well.

2. Score 
Perfect for trivia buffs or anyone wanting to show off their knowledge on a given subject.

 3. Killer
These quizzes assess the biggest mistake your audience is making. For example, What's Your #1 Marketing Mistake?

Sign up with a quiz provider
There are lots of quiz providers, but Interact is the one that I use and recommend because it's absolutely awesome. It’s free to play around with, but once you want to start collecting emails, the basic plan starts from $17 a month (paid annually)

Create your online quiz
This is so easy in Interact. First select, Create New Quiz.

If you have a good sense of your questions and answers, choose From Scratch. If not, check out their templates. They have ones for different industries so you can choose one and modify to your needs, or even use it as it is. 

Make your questions and answers fun and include funny image answers. You should have 6-10 questions.

Set your results. (Pro tip, keep the results positive and upbeat, even if the quiz shows that the potential customer has lots to work on.) Suggest your product as a solution to the quiz-taker’s problem.

Send a preview link to your friends, colleagues etc. so they can test it out, then amend accordingly.

When you’re ready to put your quiz into the world, Interact has a bunch of options to choose from including a Facebook ad, a pop-up on your website and a direct link to the quiz.

Want to create your own quiz? Download your step-by-step guide here.

About me…

Hey, I’m Your Quiz Queen + Storytelling Coach, Jo Ellis.

I help entrepreneurs create fun and engaging quizzes to attract their dream clients.

Find out which type of quiz you should create here.


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